Kilka dni temu pojawił się skumulowany pakiet poprawek do SQL Server 2008 SP1. Zaciekawił mnie sposób dystrybucji tej poprawki. O tym jednak za chwilę.
Po wejściu na stronę z opisem: Cumulative Update 2, gdzie znajdziemy dokładny opis poprawki, uwagi od działu wsparcia i trochę dodatkowych informacji. Poprawka dotyczy wymienionych niżej komponentów; dodatkowo do każdego z nich jest dokładny opis w tabelce informujący o tym jaka biblioteka się zmieniła, jekie sa wersje plików itp::
32-bit version / x64-based version / Itanium-architecture version
SQL Server 2008 Database Services Core Shared
SQL Server 2008 Database Services Core Instance
SQL Server 2008 Database Services Common Core
SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence Development Studio
SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services
SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services
SQL Server 2008 Management Studio
SQL Server 2008 Tools and Workstation Components
SQL Server 2008 Full-Text
Ilość błędów w SLQ Server 2008:
FIX: Error message when you run a query in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008: “Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan” GOTO
FIX: The CPU usage and the memory usage increase gradually and many session IDs are in the dormant status in SQL Server 2005 and in SQL Server 2008 GOTO
FIX: An incorrect backup set is listed when you restore a database from a backup file by using SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008 GOTO
FIX: You obtain incorrect values for a column when you use the OPENROWSET function to import data from a data file by using an XML format file in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008 GOTO
FIX: When you run a stored procedure that contains a query that uses the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause, you may obtain a schema that is badly formed in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008 GOTO
FIX: You receive an incorrect result when you enable the ANSI_NULLS database option and run a query against an indexed view in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008 GOTO
FIX: A mining model of the Microsoft Decision Tree algorithm generates incorrect nodes when you set the MINIMUM_SUPPORT parameter to “9” in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services or in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services GOTO
FIX: A query that runs in parallel on a multiprocessor computer returns incorrect results in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008 GOTO
FIX: Error message when you send an e-mail by using Database Mail in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008: “The operation has timed out” GOTO
FIX: Measures, measure groups, and dimensions that are not part of a perspective are exposed incorrectly when you create a grouping on the perspective in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services or in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services GOTO
FIX: When you design a SQL Server 2008 report in Visual Studio 2008, no data is returned for a dataset that retrieves data from an XML Web Service by using a query that calls a Web service method GOTO
FIX: Error message when you run an MDX query in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Service: “The Extract function was called with hierarchy ” that does not exist in the set” GOTO
FIX: Some cell values are doubled when you run an MDX query against a database that has the AllowedSet permission set for a dimension in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services or in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services GOTO
FIX: Distribution Agent fails when you try to apply a snapshot for a newly added view in a publication in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008 GOTO
FIX: SQL Server 2008 64bit support for Locked Pages GOTO
FIX: You receive a “File system error” error message that mentions a temporary file when you process a cube in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services GOTO
FIX: You receive an incorrect result when you run a query that uses the row_number function in SQL Server 2008 GOTO
FIX: Error message when you create a report that uses a SAP NetWeaver BI data source in SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services: “The method specified is not supported by the current provider. (Microsoft Visual Studio)” GOTO
FIX: An MDX query that contains the Aggregate function incorrectly returns a NULL value for a calculated measure in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services GOTO
Jednak najciekawsza jest dla mnie procedura pobierania poprawki:
1. Trzeba wejśc na strone download
2. Trzeba wybrać poprawkę jaka nas interesuje (x86, x64, IA64)
3. Trzeba podać adres mailowy
4. Wreszcie trzeba podać kod obrazkowy (zapobiegający wyłudzeniom przez automaty)
W następnym kroku dostajemy mail z linkiem i HASŁEM do konkretnej poprawki. Hasło jest ważne siedem dni i po upływie tego czasu trzeba zamówić nową.
Ciekawe, według mnie jest to bowiem sposób na sprawdzenie ile tak naprawdę z tych błędów miało znaczenie na tyle duże, że administrator SQL zdecydował się na instalację (a w zasadzie pobranie poprawki). Choć może sprawa ma drugie dno, może to kwestia jak największej zgodności bibliotek .dll w poprawkach.