Tag Archives: Cloud

[EN] New Book on the shelf. From James Bond.

BOOK__TheEnterpriseCloudByJamesBondFew days ago I got a present. The new book about Cloud Architecture. This book has been written by Bond. James Bond. But of course James Bond know everything about SPECTRE but have no experience with Cloud. The real James Bond is a Chief Technology Officer at Hewlett-Packard (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA) with a lot of experience with The Cloud. I found very good opinions about this book: 4,8/5 stars at O’Reilly and 4,7/5 stars at Amazon. As we can read on last page:

Despite the buzz surrounding the cloud computing, only a small percentage of organizations have actually deployed this new style of IT—so far. If you’re planning your long-term cloud strategy, this practical book provides insider knowledge and actionable real-world lessons regarding planning, design, operations, security, and application transformation. This book teaches business and technology managers how to transition their organization’s traditional IT to cloud computing. Rather than yet another book trying to sell or convince readers on the benefits of clouds, this book provides guidance, lessons learned, and best practices on how to design, deploy, operate, and secure an enterprise cloud based on real-world experience.

Author James Bond provides useful guidance and best-practice checklists based on his field experience with real customers and cloud providers. You’ll view cloud services from the perspective of a consumer and as an owner/operator of an enterprise private or hybrid cloud, and learn valuable lessons from successful and less-than-successful organization use-case scenarios. This is the information every CIO needs in order to make the business and technical decisions to finally execute on their journey to cloud computing.

  • Get updated trends and definitions in cloud computing, deployment models, and for building or buying cloud services
  • Discover challenges in cloud operations and management not foreseen by early adopters
  • Use real-world lessons to plan and build an enterprise private or hybrid cloud
  • Learn how to assess, port, and migrate legacy applications to the cloud
  • Identify security threats and vulnerabilities unique to the cloud
  • Employ a cloud management system for your enterprise (private or multi-provider hybrid) cloud ecosystem
  • Understand the challenges for becoming an IT service broker leveraging the power of the cloud

And of course few words about author – James Bond:

James Bond is a Chief Technologist for the HPCloud business unit.  He provides cloudbusiness strategy and technical guidance, solution architecture, and transitionplanning to Fortune 100 and Government customers in North America.  Bond’s role is to educate customers andindustry on the transition from legacy enterprise IT to private, hybrid andbrokering cloud environments.  He is acloud keynote presenter at numerous customer and industry conferences acrossthe U.S.

With more than 25 years experience in public andprivate sectors, Bond was an early pioneer in the design and deployment of Infrastructure,Software, and Platform as a Service offerings—long before the term cloudcomputing was coined.  His background indata centers, LAN/WAN systems design, software development, and ISP/ASPmanagement were precursors to his current focus on cloud computing.  Bond is well known on the industry and withinHP as an expert resource of real-world cloud design and deployment experiencehaving successfully deployed cloud environments for some of the largest U.S.Government customers.

Before joining HP, Bond was a Vice Presidentwith Apptix, a leading commercial Software as a Service provider, where hearchitected and managed some of the largest SaaS deployments in the UnitedStates.  Past industry experienceincludes Chief Technology Officer for IceWEB, Vice President of SteelCloud, andpositions with Electronic Data Systems, Computer Sciences Corporation, andComputer Data Systems.

Bond holds a Bachelor’s degree in ComputerScience from the University of Maryland. He authors numerous technical white papers and is finalizing his firstbook—on cloud computing.  He is avolunteer Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) in his spare time and currentlyresides in Las Vegas, Nevada.

I will start to read this book soon, and I hope to give five start after reading.

And here are links for:

  • O’Reilly bookstore page
  • Amazon bookstore page
  • Author’s LinkedIn profile

Post Scriptum:

Only one bad feeling about this book. And it is for O’Reilly: this book – even brand new doesn’t smell. And because I love Smells of The New Book – I’m really dissapointed…

[EN] Anorak’s Weekly Reading List

As many of my colleagues, bloggers, influencers between blogging, working, books reading, between projects and ideas i ofter read some articles somewhere in the world wide web. So I just start to publish my weekly summary with the interesting links splitted for to categories: life and tech. Maybe you will find something interesting for you here. Enjoy!


  • LINK | Kinessa Johnson: Tattooed US army veteran hunts poachers in Africa
  • LINK | The scariest thing about global warming? Giant, super-fast spiders
  • LINK | The staggering diversity of pastors’ facial hair, in one graphic
  • LINK | Rosie Ruiz of St. Louis Marathon Identified
  • LINK | Thrash titans unveil new material
  • LINK | World Snooker Championship 2015 on the BBC


  • LINK | Ekskluzywny notebook Dell XPS z niesamowitym ekranem
  • LINK | Microsoft hides a Windows 10 Easter Egg in Windows 7/8.1 systems
  • LINK | New security threats rise on mobile, IoT
  • LINK | Where to find the Azure PowerShell SDK ToolKit } by Denny Cherry
  • LINK | Use PowerShell to Create Local User Accounts
  • LINK | Microsoft Updates Azure Media Services With Live Encoding, New Media Player And More
  • LINK | “Breaking” News: Don’t Install SQL Server 2014 SP1 } by Brent Ozar
  • LINK | Manage users in Azure RemoteApp based on Active Directory groups, with PowerShell!
  • LINK | 2015 Program Committee
  • LINK | More Useful MVA Training Options } by Greg Low
  • LINK | Why won’t you implement my little feature request, Microsoft? } by Jamie Thomson
  • LINK | Microsoft Unveils New Container Technologies for the Next Generation Cloud
  • LINK | Understanding Azure SQL Database and SQL Server in Azure VMs
  • LINK | Azure Premium Storage, now generally available } by Mark Russinovich
  • LINK | SharePoint Server 2016 Roadmap and Update } by Dan Holme
  • LINK | Introducing CSX skills-based cybersecurity training and performance-based certifications

NOTE: week 16 | year 2015

[EN] Neverending free-ebook-story (part3)

Another post in my irregular series. I got an invitation from apress (that’s the true vaule for getting some more mails than normal into mailbox) for more books from published in project ApressOpen. In this project You cand download for free many books, more, and more each months. My first contact with this idea happened in January (link). Now I got more books, all are free, all are ditital, all are multi-devices edition. Here is the list:

Office 365: Migrating and Managing Your Business in the Cloud
Matt Katzer , Don Crawford
BOOKLET__aPress_Office365_MigratingandManagingYourBusinessInTheCloud_3dWritten for the IT professional and business owner, this book provides the business and technical insight necessary to migrate your business to the cloud using Microsoft Office 365.  It’s a practical look at cloud migration and the use of different technologies to support that migration.  Numerous examples of cloud migration are included.

Sensor Technologies Healthcare, Wellness & Environmental Apps
Michael J. McGrath
BOOKLET__aPress_SensorTechnologies_3dSensor Technologies: Healthcare, Wellness and Environmental Applications explores the key aspects of sensor technologies, covering wired, wireless, and discrete sensors for the specific application domains of healthcare, wellness, and environmental sensing.  It discusses the social, regulatory, and design considerations specific to these domains.

Rethinking the Internet of Things. A Scalable Approach to Connecting Everything
Francis daCosta
BOOKLET__aPress_RethinkingTheInternetOfThings_3dIn the coming decade, billions of simple devices must be connected to the emerging Internet of Things. Today’s networking protocols are too expensive and inefficient for this task. This book describes a simpler and scalable architecture that will be used to create “big data” from billions of “small data” points in the Internet of Things.

The Privacy Engineer’s Manifesto. Getting from Policy to Code to QA to Value
Michelle Finneran Dennedy , Jonathan Fox , Thomas Finneran
BOOKLET__aPress_ThePrivacyEngineersManifesto_3dThe Privacy Engineer’s Manifesto: Getting from Policy to Code to QA to Value is the first book of its kind, detailing industry-proven solutions that go beyond mere theory on how to build privacy into products, processes, applications, and systems.  The book offers lucid perspectives on the challenges and opportunities raised with the emerging “personal” information economy and how organizations can rise up to meet the organizational, asset management-related and innovation-related challenges ahead. Foreword by Dr. Eric Bonabeau, PhD, Chairman, Icosystem, Inc. & Dean of Computational Sciences, Minerva Schools at KGI.

Android on x86. An Introduction to Optimizing for Intel Architecture
Iggy Krajci , Darren Cummings
BOOKLET__aPress_AndroidOnx86_3dThis book is a one-stop reference guide to mindful programming and the unique challenges and opportunities that arise from x86 architectures. Android on x86: An Introduction to Optimizing for Intel® Architecture compiles the best practices and procedures associated with application development for devices using Intel’s popular line of microprocessors.

Learn BlackBerry 10 App Development . A Cascades-Driven Approach
Anwar Ludin
BOOKLET__aPress_LearnBlackBerry10AppDevelopment_3dLearn how to leverage the BlackBerry 10 Cascades framework to create rich native applications. Learn BlackBerry 10 Apps Development gives you a solid foundation for creating BlackBerry 10 apps efficiently. Along the way, you will learn how to use QML and JavaScript for designing your app’s UI, and C++/Qt for the application logic.

Building the Infrastructure for Cloud Security. A Solutions View
Raghuram Yeluri , Enrique Castro-Leon
BOOKLET__aPress_BuildingTheInfrastructureForCloudSecurity_3dThis book provides a comprehensive look at the various facets of cloud security – infrastructure, network, services, Compliance and users.  It will provide real world case studies to articulate the real and perceived risks and challenges in deploying and managing services in a cloud infrastructure from a security perspective.

[PL] WeTransfer, gdyby ktoś go jeszcze nie znał

Wprawdzie w dobie dzisiejszych wirtualnych katalogów, jakie oferowane są przez SkyDrive, DropBox, Amazona, Novella i innych dostawców przechowywanie danych w sieci i ich udostępnianie nie jest kłopotem, ale… często zapominamy o skasowaniu danych z udostepnionego katalogu. Efektem jest ciągłe ich przyrastanie. Od dwóch, może trzech lat korzystam z funkcjonalności jaką daje portal WeTransfer.com. Pozwala on na bezkosztowe (poza łaczem i czasem procesora) przesyłanie danych o łącznej maksymalnej wielkości w jednej przesyłce, nie przekraczającej dwóch gigabajtów. A co najważniejsze trzyma on owe dane tylko przed dwa tygodnie.

Capture_WeTransfer001 Capture_WeTransfer002 

Rys.1&2 | Bez opłat, podając mail nadawcy, odiorcy, treść wiadomosci oraz w prosty sposób wybierając pliki do przesłania dostajemy całkiem fajne narzędzie.


Rys.3&4 | Ponieważ całość idzie po HTTP, więc potrzebujemy trochę czasu na wysłanie (oraz odebranie pliku) ale można to śmiało zrobić w odpowiadających nam godzinach. Po wysłaniu dostajemy powiadomienie mailem.

Capture_WeTransfer005 Capture_WeTransfer006

Rys.5&6 | Na końcu w mailu mamy specjalnie spreparowaną wiadomość ze szczegółami przesyłki (mamy nawet opcje pobrania pliku dla siebie, jeśli akurat korzystamy z innego komputera i chcemy mieć kopię lokalną), zaś adresat dostaje również spreparowaną wiadomość z bezpośrednim linkiem do pobrania.

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