[EN] … victim of software counterfeiting

Upps. Few weeks ago, when I turned on my computer I discovered not very nice event – in fact bad event:


Pic.1 | You may be a victim of software counterfeiting

I was a little bit shocking, ‘cos normally I use TechNet or MSDN (most ofter the second) software with personal licensing for Microsoft Certified Trainer (TechNet) or Microsoft MVP (MSDN). I’m sure that I’m full legal… I must say. I AM FULL LEGAL


Pic.2 | I’m following link: Go online… and discovered Privacy Statement Arrghhhh!!!

We can choose one of the two options:

Capture_GENOFF    Capture_GENWIN

Of course for Windows was important. I read all on this site and after that…


Pic.3 | …downloaded required file…


Pic.4 | …and run installation.

The last screen which I remember looks like below:


After 26 hours of “This may take a few minutes, do not navigate away from this page” I decided to finish this task and… reinstall system. Why reinstall? Changing of serial key doesn’t work.


Post Scriptum ONE: I have no idea where and when the problem apears first time…

Post Scriptum TWO: This solution doesn’t work…

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