[PL][EN] Bezpłatne seminarium na temat dostrajania baz SQL Server


SQL Server Magazine zaprasza na bezpłatne seminarium poświęcone dostrajaniu i wydajności silnika baz danych SQL Server. Seminarium odbędzie się piętnastego lutego, zaś prowadzącym aż trzy sesje będzie Andrew J. Kelly (oto jego krótkie bio: Partner and Mentor with Solid Quality Mentors. He has more than 20 years of experience with relational databases and application development, but his main focus now is SQL Server. In addition to general SQL Server training and mentoring, Andrew specializes in performance, scalability, and maintainability of large-scale SQL Servers. He is a regular speaker each year at many conferences and user groups and has been a SQL Server MVP since 2001)

Agenda spotkania przedstawia się następująco:

11:00AM-12:00PM | 05:00 GMT+1 | Performance Monitor Processing
12:15PM-01:15PM | 06:15 GMT+1 | Storage and I/O Essentials
01:30PM-02:30PM | 07:30 GMT+1 | Partner Presentations (IDERA)
02:45PM-03:45PM | 08:48 GMT+1 | Getting a Handle on Tempdb

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